Henry Jolley was born in 1789 in Bedford, North Carolina. That was the same year the North Carolina legislature initially rejected the new Constitution of the United States, but later accepted. Henry's parents were plantation owners. In 1806 Henry married his childhood sweetheart, Frances Manning. Both were age 16. They would become the parents of 9 children. During the War of 1812 against the British, Henry served in the North Carolina Militia. Like many of his generation, Henry was ambitious, wanting to make a better life for his family. He felt that he could not do that in North Carolina. So, in 1825 he set out for the open spaces and cheap land of Tennessee.
In 1850, a few months before his death, Henry Jolley wrote a personal history. Here are a few exerpts:
Thinking we could better our condition, we decided in 1825 to move with many of our friends to Tennessee. We settled a few miles north of Dresden in the Northwestern part of the state. Here land was plentiful, and the climate and soil conditions were ideal for raising most any crop we desired. Our main crops were cotton and tobacco. We had obtained a large acreage and owned quite a number of slaves.
One rather warm February afternoon my sons and I were working in the field when our attention was drawn to two distinguished looking gentlemen who were approaching us. They wore black Prince Albert suits and tall smoke stack hats. We rested on our shovels and waited for them to reach us. They introduced themselves as Elder McIntosh and Elder Wilson, Mormon missionaries. After the usual exchange of greetings, they stated their mission, and told us how the boy prophet, Joseph Smith, had beheld a vision of God the Father, and His Son Jesus Christ. They told us about the Mormons at Nauvoo and the persecutions that were being heaped upon the Prophet and his people. We were especially interested in the new Book of Mormon which gave a history of the ancient inhabitants of America. We were so impressed with their message that we invited them to return and see us again. They left us a Book of Mormon and promised to see us again in about two weeks. I said to my sons, “No more work today. We must tell your mother and your wives of the glad tidings.” I could think of scarcely anything else for days except the strange story about the Nephites and the Lamanites as told in that wonderful book.
As promised, in about two weeks our Mormon friends returned and we sat in awe until the wee hours of the next morning listening to an explanation of the Principles of the Gospel. On the morrow I was ready for baptism, but our Mormon friends suggested that we wait a short time until we were sure. When they came again, my eldest son, Reuben Manning and his wife, Sarah Pippin Jolley and I were baptized February 18, 1842. Nothing seemed to occupy our minds now, but to join the other Saints at Nauvoo. We finally decided to move and trust our future near the prophet of the Lord. It was quite a decision to make We had a comfortable home and were quite successful financially. It required a lot of faith and courage to chance our lives and fortunes by moving to another place and live among strangers, but the urge was too great and preparations went speedily forward to move. We sold our plantation and slaves, all except little Sammy, whose parents had died. We took him with us. There was much sadness and weeping at our departure; many of the slaves wanted to come with us, but they had a new master now, who, we hoped, would be good to them. The crops were well along and the whole landscape was beautiful, but our hopes of a new life with the Saints overshadowed our sorrows as we headed our oxen north toward Nauvoo.
When we reached Nauvoo everybody was busy and the City was growing rapidly. Converts were streaming in from every direction. Europe was furnishing many artisans; men with skills who were needed to carry on the technical phase of building and construction of homes and business institutions. The Prophet and his brother Hyrum, were wonderful, spiritually endowed men. We felt lifted up to a heavenly solemnity when in their presence. A great calm would come over us. Truly we had found a prophet of God.
We were farmers and soon obtained some land and began raising crops. With our oxen we were able to provide for ourselves and to share with others who were less fortunate. But the persecution continued. We were continually harassed by outsiders who never missed a chance to upset our plans and work. We were always in fear for the safety of our prophet. We marveled at his courage and faith in the face of the many false charges made against him, often ending with arrest and imprisonment. No matter how depressed we were, whenever we could be in his presence and listen to his voice, our fears and anguish would disappear. On the 12th day of January, 1844, my sons and myself were ordained Elders by Patriarch Hyrum Smith. My dear wife Frances was also baptized a member of the church. She was a wonderful wife and mother, but it took her a little longer to gain a testimony, I think hers was the stronger because she worked hard for it. The spring and summer of 1844 brought us good crops but more trouble from our enemies. Great mobs gathered and threatened us. We could never be at ease. Finally, the terrible tragedy happened. Joseph, Hyrum, and Apostle John Taylor and Willard Richards were held in Carthage jail on some trumped-up charges. We all lived in constant anxiety, knowing of their imprisonment and realizing that the mob spirit was growing worse each day. Then the drunken mob did get out of hand and stormed the jail. Joseph and Hyrum were murdered, and Brother Taylor was shot. He later recovered. When the tragic news came, we were all stunned. Fear and hysteria spread like wildfire. Our hearts were bleeding, and our souls cried out to our Heavenly Father for solace and deliverance. He did come to our rescue, and he did soothe our aching hearts.
As the cortege carrying the bodies passed, we gazed with chilled emotions. It was a bloody scene. Why had God permitted such a thing to happen? Could we survive this great calamity? Why were we such a despised people? Was Satan now going to triumph? Surely not! God would come to our rescue. We must not turn and flee. Truth must succeed over evil. We must gird up our loins and fight harder.
After the bodies had been delivered to the mansion and cleaned up and prepared for burial, we returned on the morrow to see them. As we passed the biers, we beheld divinity here on earth. They lay there in purity and such majesty before our eyes. But those are only earthly remains, my soul cried out in anguish. Their spirits are with Jesus, our Redeemer and God the Father. Yes! We shall see them again in the resurrection when evil has been subdued, where love and justice will abide forever. After the funeral, we returned to our homes refreshed, with a renewed determination to carry on. We must finish the Temple and do our work so we will be able to meet our loved ones in that Celestial calm, where sorrow and pain have passed away.
Summer passed and Autumn came. Rainy weather adding to the swampy condition near the river around Nauvoo caused fever to spread among the Saints. Many fell prey to the malady and death stalked through the city. My beloved wife, Frances, whose body had become weakened through our troubles, contracted the disease and despite all our efforts and prayers, she passed away on September 29, 1844. It seemed again the tragedy and sorrow should be our continuous lot. She had been a loving, courageous mother and helpmate, always more concerned about the welfare of others than for herself. We tenderly prepared her for burial and after a lovely service we laid her earthly remains to rest in the Nauvoo cemetery. There were many others who suffered similar losses and we tried to bear each others crosses.
Work was now rushed to complete the Temple. My sons, grandsons and I worked continuously on the structure, often having only bread, sorghum and water for nourishment. When the Temple was completed we all had our endowments on January 5, 1846. My daughter-in-law, Brittiana Mayo Jolley, wife of H.B.M. stood proxy for my dear wife Frances and Frances’ parents were also endowed on January 5, 1846. We were so happy and repaid for all our troubles and past sorrows. But the bitter cloud of hatred against us continued to rise. The mobsters of Illinois were determined to exterminate us.
Brigham and the Twelve finally gave the word to ‘flee’. Nauvoo was in a high pitch of excitement and turmoil. We hastily packed our wagons and ferried across the river in the face of bitter cold into the terrible wilderness. Our leader, Brigham Young, had a difficult decision to make and a terrible responsibility, but God was at the helm directing us, and we had faith that he would not desert us. The suffering was great and many died of exposure; others fell by the wayside, not being able to face the privations and bear the pain.
More to come next week.
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Painting depicting Henry Jolley |
Where did you obtain this information? I am from Henry, and Sarah Pippin's direct line.
ReplyDeletesend info here
thanks, Evan Jolley